Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sorry guys..my bad.

Alright so I've been a little MIA the last few..well...months. That's my bad. It's funny how when I have really nothing on my plate, I can't find time to blog. Yet on busiest week of the year in my new position at work, which also happens to be the week that I move, which also happens to be three weeks before the wedding..I have time to sit down and write. So to catch up...

Living Arrangements:
John and I decided not to renew our lease on our apartment in Gundale (AKA, Glendale). It actually made me a little sad. It's the first place John and I have shared on our own so of course I think it's special. But I guess the suspicious looking dealings in the parking lot, the Lord of the Flies-esque feeling I get when walking to my car amongst a hundred unsupervised children and the one alleged homicide which was apparently just an insurance fraud will not be missed.

A very convenient series of events took place in my mom wanting to move in with TK and needing someone to live with Candice so she didn't have to pay rent on her own combined with John and I needing somewhere cheap to live while we try to save up for a house. So on Saturday my mom moved her clothes and some other items and John and I moved into the basement at her house. I think it's a good set-up, I think Candice and I can pretty much stay out of each others way. So hopefully this arrangement will allow John and I to get some money put away to get our own house.

Job Update
Most people already know that I work for UPS. I've been there for about two and a half years now. I started at the call center just taking calls from customers needing to arrange shipments. After about six months I applied for and actually got a position in the Workforce Management department. This got me off the phones and into an office. This was quite the promotion for me, I was in charge of everyone's schedules, time off, etc. and I managed the call volume coming into the site. I was in this position for about two years.

Then a few weeks ago, my buddy at work, TJ got a job in Missouri and his position opened up. I decided to put in for it, not really expecting anything to come of it, mostly just so the management in my building knew that I was interested in moving on. Well to my surprise, I actually got the job which was actually an even bigger promotion than before. So my new title is Senior Cost and Finance Administrator. I manage everyone's payroll, all expense accounts, site invoices, and I am in charge of building a multi-million dollar business plan. I'm very happy with the job but at the same time, pretty stressed out. But all seems well in the professional world for now.

Wedding Update
Wow...where to start on this one. Well..the wedding is planned. At least for the most part. All the main tasks are done, reception center, DJ, catering, wedding dress, etc. There are a few small things that I haven't picked up but I'm just gonna continue to procrastinate and see how well that works out for me. I have pretty much the whole first half of August off so I'm just gonna plan on doing ALL wedding stuff in that week. Should be stressful. Bring it.

Things I'm looking forward to
-The wedding (duh)
-The honeymoon (duh)
-My new nephew Charlie is due to join the world in less than six weeks.
-My sister and her husband will be moving back to Utah (hopefully) sometime soon.
-Getting a new car that can actually safely get me to school. Maybe.

Now I promise I will try to keep a little more updated on this blog. So stop yelling at me Erin. Geez.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's about time!!!