Sunday, March 1, 2009

I fake organization like a champ

Coming into this weekend, I knew I needed to get some cleaning done. After a slightly late night on Friday, I was in no condition to clean early on Saturday. I, instead, slept until 2 in the afternoon, finished season 6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, patroned a new health food restaurant, and found myself becoming part of "the problem" when I barely survived Walmart in search of a new vacuum.

This morning I woke up at 10, ready to clean. Not just pick up things here and there, fully CLEAN my apartment. After doing a light cleaning around the kitchen and living room, I began organizing the computer desk, only to find myself getting highly distracted by past homework assignments and magazines I purchased but never read. After I finished that, I made my way to the hall closet. Once known as a linen closet, over the past 7 months it transformed to the "closet where you put things that have no other place in the apartment". It was to the point that I avoided opening the door for fear of being permanently buried under board games, blankets and viking hats. I cleared everything out of the closet and sorted them into piles titled: need, might need, maybe could need someday, probably don't need, and lastly - why the hell is this in the closet? By the time I had put the closet back together, I was left with my piles. A wee bit tired at this point, I condensed all my piles aside from 'need' into one pile... in the dumpster. 

After a few hours of attempting to organize the corners of my house that have accumulated junk over the past few months, I now find myself hungry, tired, and sitting in the middle of several piles of junk circling my couch. Luckily, I now have several empty corners to fill. Oh yeah, and I have yet to use my shiny new vacuum.

I love organizing.

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